What is a good SQUID Logs Analyzer? [closed]

Can anyone recommend me a good tool for analyzing squid logs ?

I'm currently using SARG. Is there something better?
I need to easily see what sites were visited/denied, when and by whom.

There is a list of squid analyzers. Some of them seem to be out of date.
Squid: Logfile Analysis

I used LightSquid: http://lightsquid.sourceforge.net/ It was good enough for me for several reasons:

  • It is fast, takes very little diskspace (In comparison with SARG, only ~45Kb of Perl scripts)
  • There is nothing superfluous

You can try it, using online-demo: http://lightsquid.sourceforge.net/demo17/index.cgi?year=2005&month=04

"Official" feauture-list:

  • fast and simple install fast log
  • parser generatesmall per user data
  • file perl based cgi script for
  • dynamic generated report pages html
  • template for design no database
  • required no additional perl module
  • various reports user groups support
  • graphics report (v 1.6+) real name
  • (v 1.6+) multilangual interface

Calamaris might provide what you're looking for. Handles many different types of logs, including squid.

I use Free-SA which is similar to SARG but much faster and doesn't crash on huge log files. It works very well.

"Free-SA is statistic analyzer for daemons log files similar to SARG. Its main advantages over SARG are much better speed (7x-20x times), more reports support, crossplatform work and W3C compliance of generated HTML/CSS reports code."