Can't remotely connect through SQL Server Management Studio

I think i can tell you exactly what the issue is, I spent over 48 hours trying to sort this. didnt find anything on the net. also happen to be with 1and1

look at these settings:

IP security policies.....

which opens box...............Packet Filter Properties near the bottom of the list there is a box ticked called :

'Close MSDE (TCP/UDP)' (I am asuming that MSDE = Microsoft SQL Database Engine?) Select it Press Edit...

which opens box............... Edit Rule Properties Select (again) >> 'Close MSDE (TCP/UDP)' Press Edit...

which opens box................IP filter List then you will see a list of ports tcp 1433, udp 1434 {Thats our list of ports all down as a blocking rule.....}

I think what needs to be done from here is either....

close that screen ..IP filter List on the screen Edit Rule Properties there is a tab Filter action, could just change that from Block to permit? (maybe changing it to permit, will allow us to tick the "Block All" option again - which sounds safer, but the support guys said there is a know bug, so might not work)


on the Packet Filter Properties

just untick the the rule 'Close MSDE (TCP/UDP)'

you might have to untick the rule 'Block ALL' to get it running

its probably to late for this to help you, but hopefully will help someone else with the same issue.

First, in management studio, check management, sql server logs\current - you want to search for a message saying 'Server is listening on ['any' 1433].' If not, go to start, all programs, SQL server 2008, configuration tools, sql server configuration manager. Select 'sql server network configuration\protocols for MSSQLServer\SQLExpress'. Ensure TCP/IP is enabled. It should be based on the output of netstat -ano, but...

most importantly - from a remote client, have you tried to login via

sqlcmd -S1.2.3.4\SQLExpress -U sa -P Password

You can also try It can test whether there is any block of TCP port 1433 in the outbound direction towards 1and1. will test this immediately.

I had the same headache connecting with SSMS from client PC to remote SQL Server. It looks like local firewall was blocking inbound server connection. Problem was solved by assigning inbound rule for SSMS for client PC firewall. The only place I found how to do that was

1.In Windows Firewall with Advanced Security, in the left pane, right-click Inbound Rules, and then select New Rule in the action pane.

2.In the Rule Type dialog, select Program, and then click Next.

3.In the Program dialog, select This program path and for SQL Server Management Studio enter the full path to ssms.exe. By default, it is installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Tools\Binn\Management Studio\ssms.exe

This helped me. Hope you too.