How to set up an rsync backup to Ubuntu securely?

Solution 1:

Ok, I think your trying to over architect a bit. SSH is one of the most secure file transfer protocols and if your already rsyncing over ssh then your 90% there. Your router is acting as a basic firewall so you shouldn't need to turn on iptables for a personal backup server.

Stick with port 22. It will make life much easier.

fail2ban is a nice script for public servers, specially where password based logins are enabled. On your server it's going to make more problems then it will fix. I wouldn't recommend running it. Here are my suggestions:

  • Go ahead and get the dynamic IP, it will make it easier, and about the time you go traveling, your ftp script will fail for some really strange reason. Basically KISS.
  • Disable Password logins for ssh. In /etc/sshd_config change PasswordAuthentication yes to PasswordAuthentication no, and make sure challengeresponse is set to no. That will bock any one without your private key from logging in at all.

Other then that your pretty much covered by default. ssh encrypts traffic and verifies the host/client. There not a lot left after that.