Floating text with more than one line

I've seen vanilla servers that have floating text with multiple lines showing server rules, etc. I read the post where someone explained how to use floating text by using an invisible armor stand with a custom name, but I was wondering how to do it (in vanilla) over multiple lines. Right now I have armor stands a block above one another, but it's very spaced out and hard to see the text at the top. Is there syntax for forcing a new line when entering the custom name? I've tried "\n" and enclosing the text in square brackets and putting each line between double quotes with a comma in between and neither is working for me.

Holograms or floating text are created by putting a custom name to a invisible armor stand. If you want to have several lines, you can summon different armor stands.

For vanilla servers: http://www.mctoolbox.me/holograms/

For bukkit/spigot servers: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/holographic-displays/

\n should work if you have a space after it:

{...CustomName:Hi,\n my name is Bob!...}

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