What is the name of the "unique" numbers in Fibonacci-like integer sequences?

What you need is a general equation that allows you to examine the kind of relationships you are looking for. The discussion below parameterizes the results for any generalized Fibonacci-type sequence in terms of the initial conditions.

There have been many extensions of the sequence with adjustable (integer) coefficients and different (integer) initial conditions, e.g., $f_n=af_{n-1}+bf_{n-2}$. (You can look up Pell, Jacobsthal, Lucas, Pell-Lucas, and Jacobsthal-Lucas sequences.) Maynard has extended the analysis to $a,b\in\mathbb{R}$, (Ref: Maynard, P. (2008), “Generalised Binet Formulae,” $Applied \ Probability \ Trust$; available at http://ms.appliedprobability.org/data/files/Articles%2040/40-3-2.pdf.)

We have extended Maynard's analysis to include arbitrary $f_0,f_1\in\mathbb{R}$. It is relatively straightforward to show that

$$f_n=\left(f_1-\frac{af_0}{2}\right) \frac{\alpha^n-\beta^n}{\alpha-\beta}+\frac{af_0}{2} \frac{\alpha^n+\beta^n}{\alpha+\beta}= \left(f_1-\frac{af_0}{2}\right)F_n+\frac{af_0}{2}L_n$$

where $\alpha,\beta=(a\pm\sqrt{a^2+4b})/2$, $F_n=\frac{\alpha^n-\beta^n}{\alpha-\beta}$, and $L_n=\frac{\alpha^n+\beta^n}{\alpha+\beta}$.

The result is written in this form to underscore that it is the sum of a Fibonacci-type and Lucas-type Binet-like terms. It will also reduce to the standard Fibonacci and Lucas sequences for $a=b=1, f_1=1, \text{ and } f_0=0 \text{ or }2$.

This can also be expressed as


Basically, there are too many possible solutions (an infinity, really) to go around naming them all. Moreover, this result is not limited to the natural numbers and can be analytically continued by substituting the complex variable $z$ for $n$.