improper advertising identifier [IDFA] usage

Everything has come to its usual state now. Simply upload your binary as you've been doing this while, and broadly classify IDFA in two categories:

  1. publisher: You use third-party ad-networks library to display ad. Choose the 1st option in IDFA -> "Serve advertisements within the app". You're a publisher since you show ads, but do not perform advertising for your own app.

  2. Advertiser: You use third-party libraries to track conversions for your app, as well as track 'goals' in your app. You directly do not show ads in your app. Choose the 2nd & 3rd option in IDFA -> "Attribute this app installation to a previously served ad". AND "Attribute an action taken within this app to a previously served advertisement".

  3. Mixed: You track conversions for your app, as well as display ads in your app. Choose all three options.

You can upload any application with the same bundleID. When you've done uploading, you can reject binary and next time you change status to Ready to Upload, don't forget check [IDFA].

You have to check "Yes" on the Prepare for Upload page: enter image description here But when you checked "No", you are stuck with this new version on iTunes Connect and cannot reenter the Prepare for Upload page or delete your new version.

At the moment it seems like your app is locked forever on the old version when this error occurs. Apple has to fix this!

  1. Remove Google Analytics Library folder from your reference (google analytics uses [IDFA])
  2. Remove AdSupport Framework from your reference
  3. Remove iADSupport Framework from your reference
  4. try upload again

This worked for me right now.

by the way, enabling this option does not help us