How do I know to which node of my Oracle RAC I am connected?

Solution 1:

For your current session?

select host_name from gv$instance where instance_number=userenv('instance');

For all sessions:

select i.host_name, s.username from 
  gv$session s join
  gv$instance i on (i.inst_id=s.inst_id)
  username is not null;

Solution 2:

For current session:

SELECT sys_context('USERENV', 'INSTANCE') AS instance#,
       sys_context('USERENV', 'INSTANCE_NAME') AS instance_name
FROM dual

Solution 3:

If you are connected to node1

SQL> select host_name from v$instance;

If you are connected to nodeN

SQL> select host_name from v$instance;

If you like to know all instances and all nodes

SQL> select instance_name,host_name from gv$instance;


$ crsctl stat res -t
cluster resource
 1 node host1  online
 2 node host2  online
 n node hostn  offline