Memory Usage by Bytes Top 10

I need a way to see how many bytes to top ten processes are using not percentage. I am using centos

Solution 1:

it would be better to use ps with head

ps aux --sort -rss | head -10

The RSS field shows physical memory usage in KB.

Solution 2:

I just notice that rss is in kiloBytes.

I created an awk script to print sizes in human readable format:


    hr[1024**2]="GB"; hr[1024]="MB";
    for (x=1024**3; x>=1024; x/=1024) {
        if ($1>=x) {
            printf ("%-6.1f %s ", $1/x, hr[x]); break
{ printf ("%-6s %-10s ", $2, $3) }
{ for ( x=4 ; x<=NF ; x++ ) { printf ("%s ",$x) } print ("") }

and pipe the ps output to:

$ ps --no-headers -eo rss,pid,user,command --sort -rss | head -10 | awk -f topmem.awk