INFO: No Spring WebApplicationInitializer types detected on classpath

Solution 1:

I found the error: I have a library that it was built using jdk 1.6. The Spring main controller and components are in this library. And how I use jdk 1.7, It does not find the classes built in 1.6.

The solution was built all using "compiler compliance level: 1.7" and "Generated .class files compatibility: 1.6", "Source compatibility: 1.6".

I setup this option in Eclipse: Preferences\Java\Compiler.

Thanks everybody.

Solution 2:

My silly reason was: Build Automatically was disabled!

Solution 3:

I had this info message "No Spring WebApplicationInitializer types detected on classpath" while deploying a WAR with spring integration beans in WebLogic server. Actually, I could observe that the servlet URL returned 404 Not Found and beside that info message with a negative tone "No Spring ...etc" in Server logs, nothing else was seemingly in error in my spring config; no build or deployment errors, no complaints. Indeed, I suspected that the beans.xml (spring context XML) was actually not picked up at all and that was bound to the very specific organizing of artefacts in Oracle's jDeveloper. The solution is to play carefully with the 'contributors' and 'filters' for the WEB-INF/classes category when you edit your deployment profile under the 'deployment' topic in project properties.

Precisely, I would advise to name your spring context by the jDeveloper default "beans.xml" and place it side by side to the WEB-INF subdirectory itself (under your web Apllication source path, e.g. like <...your project path>/public_html/). Then in the WEB-INF/classes category (when editing the deployment profile) your can check the Project HTML root directory in the 'contributor' list, and then select the beans.xml in filters, and then ensure your web.xml features a context-param value like classpath:beans.xml.

Once that was fixed, I was able to progress and after some more bean config changes and implementations, the message "No Spring WebApplicationInitializer types detected on classpath" came back! Actually, I did not notice when and why exactly it came back. This second time, I added a

public class HttpGatewayInit implements WebApplicationInitializer { ... }

which implements empty inherited methods, and the whole application works fine!

...If you feel that java EE development has been getting a bit too crazy with cascades of XML configuration files (some edited manually, others through wizards) intepreted by cascades of variant initializers, let me insist that I fully share your point.

Solution 4:

Make sure that your log4j is configured correctly, there's probably an exception that is being thrown, but you're only seeing half of the picture.

Please see

Solution 5:

I also had the same problem. My maven had tomcat7 plugin but the JRE environment was 1.6. I changed my tomcat7 to tomcat6 and the error was gone.