What's the difference between the Safari iOS cookie settings?

On mobile Safari there are 4 settings for cookies:

  1. Always block
  2. Allow from current website only
  3. Allow from websites I visit
  4. Always allow

#1 makes sense but I am unable to distinguish the 3 remaining options.

Other browsers have settings to allow all cookies (could be #3 or #4 above) or only from the current website (eg on example.com don't allow cookies from thirdparty.com; could be #2 or #3 above).

So what is the third behaviour? And which option is which?

The Safari for Mac Documentation has a good explanation of these settings. They apply to iOS Safari cookies settings, too.

  • Always Block - Block all first-party cookies and block all third-party cookies.
  • Allow from Current Website Only - Allow all first-party cookies and block all third-party cookies.
  • Allow from Websites I Visit - Allow all first-party cookies and block all third-party cookies unless that third party was a first party at one time (based on current cookies and browsing history).
  • Always Allow - Allow all first-party cookies and allow all third-party cookies.