Are there any Lion optimized text editors with VIM keybindings?

I am looking for a text editor with support for Lion's new features - specifically autosave, versions, and full-screen support.

I would also really like to be able to use VIM keybindings, either standard, or as an option. Does this combination exist?

Solution 1:

Check Sublime Text 2, it is still in beta and they have adding full-screen support in Lion but not others you mentioned. And you can use Vim key-binding too.

MacVim is also working on some of the Lion refinements (the ones that are included have some rough edges) - it's certainly not stable since it's being fixed as the days go by, but as an open-source program, you can see the bugs/defects and know when the features you care are shipped or have issues.

Solution 2:

Chocolat is a Textmate style editor (like Sublime still in Development) that has all the Lion features.
Also vim mode was added in the latest version.

Personally I find Sublime's completion a lot better tho.

Solution 3:

I can't believe no-one mentioned Vico. It's a relatively new code editor sold on the App Store that uses vi keybindings and is scriptable using Nu.

It doesn't support auto-save or Versions but does support Lion's full screen and Resume.