Iptables NAT logging

I have a box setup as a router using Iptables (masquerade), logging all network traffic.

The problem:

Connections from LAN IPs to WAN show fine, i.e. SRC= -> DST=

but for traffic coming from WAN to LAN it will show the WAN IP as the source, but the routers IP as the destination, then the router -> LAN IP.

I.e. SRC= -> DST= SRC= -> DST=

How do I configure it so that it logs the conversations correctly?

SRC= -> DST= SRC= > DST=

Any help appreciated, cheers

the info you need is only in the connection tracking table. Have a look at conntrack(8) how to get it. Logging it in real time might be tricky though, maybe something using -j ULOG and ulogd.

To log all of the information you want, you would need two log rules. One to log the data from the wan interface to router, and a second to log the packet from router to LAN host.

In other words, As the packet passes through your routing tables, the destination will be re-written. If I understand correctly, you want to see that packet's information before it's rewritten, and after (so you can see which host its going to).

The rules may look something like this: Existing rule which shows wan to router:

iptables -I INPUT -m state --state NEW -j LOG --log-prefix " New Incoming Packet"

New Additional Rule:

iptables -I FORWARD -d LAN_HOST_IPADDR -m state --state NEW -j LOG --log-prefix " [>] NEW FORWARD"

Or for extra credit, and to keep things a little cleaner, create a new chain for traffic forwarded to the LAN HOST, something like this:

iptables -t nat -N forward_to_mypc
iptables -t nat -A forward_to_mypc -m state --state NEW -j LOG --log-prefix " [>] New Forward"
iptables -t nat -A forward_to_mypc -j DNAT --to <address_of_mypc>

Then use the new chain like this:

iptables -t nat -I PREROUTING -i <WANADAPTER> -p tcp --dport 3389 -j forward_to_mypc

That would forward any port 3389 tcp packets coming in the wan adapter, to your LAN pc, and if the packet is new, it would get logged.