How can I get a call stack listing in Perl?

You can use Devel::StackTrace.

use Devel::StackTrace;
my $trace = Devel::StackTrace->new;
print $trace->as_string; # like carp

It behaves like Carp's trace, but you can get more control over the frames.

The one problem is that references are stringified and if a referenced value changes, you won't see it. However, you could whip up some stuff with PadWalker to print out the full data (it would be huge, though).

This code works without any additional modules. Just include it where needed.

my $i = 1;
print STDERR "Stack Trace:\n";
while ( (my @call_details = (caller($i++))) ){
    print STDERR $call_details[1].":".$call_details[2]." in function ".$call_details[3]."\n";