String.Replace(char, char) method in C#

Solution 1:

String.Replace('\n', '') doesn't work because '' is not a valid character literal.

If you use the String.Replace(string, string) override, it should work.

string temp = mystring.Replace("\n", "");

Solution 2:

As replacing "\n" with "" doesn't give you the result that you want, that means that what you should replace is actually not "\n", but some other character combination.

One possibility is that what you should replace is the "\r\n" character combination, which is the newline code in a Windows system. If you replace only the "\n" (line feed) character it will leave the "\r" (carriage return) character, which still may be interpreted as a line break, depending on how you display the string.

If the source of the string is system specific you should use that specific string, otherwise you should use Environment.NewLine to get the newline character combination for the current system.

string temp = mystring.Replace("\r\n", string.Empty);


string temp = mystring.Replace(Environment.NewLine, string.Empty);

Solution 3:

This should work.

string temp = mystring.Replace("\n", "");

Are you sure there are actual \n new lines in your original string?

Solution 4:

string temp = mystring.Replace("\n", string.Empty).Replace("\r", string.Empty);

Obviously, this removes both '\n' and '\r' and is as simple as I know how to do it.