Passport-Facebook authentication is not providing email for all Facebook accounts

Make sure these two things are in your code:

  passport.use(new FacebookStrategy({
            clientID: 'CLIENT_ID',
            clientSecret: 'CLIENT_SECRET',
            callbackURL: ""
            passReqToCallback : true,
            profileFields: ['id', 'emails', 'name'] //This

and this:

app.get('/connect/facebook', passport.authorize('facebook', { scope : ['email'] }));

This gives you access to the following:

  • profile.emails

The last one being an array, so use profile.emails[0].value to get the first email address of the user.

As shamim reza pointed out, you might want to check if profile.emails !== undefined because the property only exists if the user has at least one verified email address.

As Weft pointed out, you might have to use the property email instead of emails.

When you are authenticating use something similar to this. You need to use add 'email' in the scope when you authenticate.

passport.authenticate('facebook', { scope: ['email']}),
    function(req, res){

That has worked for me.

Here were a few links that helped me out.