How to group by common element in array?

Include graphframes (the latest supported Spark version is 2.1, but it should support 2.2 as well, if you use newer you'll have to build your own with 2.3 patch) replacing XXX with Spark version and YYY with Scala version:

spark.jars.packages  graphframes:graphframes:0.5.0-sparkXXX-s_YYY

Add explode keys:

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._

val df = Seq(
   (Seq("k1", "k2"), "v1"), (Seq("k2"), "v2"),
   (Seq("k3", "k2"), "v3"), (Seq("k4"), "v4")
).toDF("key", "value")

val edges =
  explode($"key") as "src", $"value" as "dst")

Convert to graphframe:

import org.graphframes._

val gf = GraphFrame.fromEdges(edges)

Set checkpoint directory (if not set):

import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession

val path: String = ???
val spark: SparkSession = ???

Find connected components:

val components = GraphFrame.fromEdges(edges).connectedComponents.setAlgorithm("graphx").run

Join result with input data:

 val result = components.where($"id".startsWith("v")).toDF("value", "group").join(df, Seq("value"))

Check result:

// +-----+------------+--------+
// |value|       group|     key|
// +-----+------------+--------+
// |   v3|489626271744|[k3, k2]|
// |   v2|489626271744|    [k2]|
// |   v4|532575944704|    [k4]|
// |   v1|489626271744|[k1, k2]|
// +-----+------------+--------+