How to download Wine (wine1.5-i386 Broken Package Error)?

Solution 1:

When I got that problem (Which appears on either the 32 Bit or 64 Bit) the first thing I need to do is:

  1. Get easier tools

    To do some of the jobs I will mention below, first download aptitude and synaptic. This is because both of them deal better with broken packages, specially synaptic. so do a sudo apt-get install aptitude synaptic. You can skip this step but I really recommend this one to avoid some very rare package problems like yours.

  2. Eliminate Wine -

    (If this step does not let you eliminate wine, go to Step 3 then back to 2)

    If you open synaptic, look for ALL wine packages and purge them. Do not just delete them. If you delete them, the downloaded package will stay. Purge them which shows as Mark for Complete Removal if you right click the package inside Synaptic.

    If you use aptitude then do a sudo aptitude search wine. For each package that has an i in the beginning column (Which means installed), do a sudo aptitude purge PACKAGE_NAME.
    For example sudo aptitude purge wine1.5. After that do:

    sudo apt-get autoremove
    sudo apt-get autoclean

  3. Update & Upgrade -

    After you are sure they are completely removed do an update and afterwards an upgrade:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade

  4. If steps 2 & 3 do not give any error and you finished them perfectly then (assuming you already added the PPA for Wine as you mentioned in your question, install Wine in one of the following ways:

    With Aptitude: sudo aptitude install wine1.5

    With Synaptic: Open Synaptic and look for the wine1.5 package. It will also install it's dependencies and solve any problems. In there you will see the i386 package also. If this is not selected automatically, select the package manually. Remember to also select winetricks which is needed to install additional packages for wine (.NET, DirectX...)

    With Apt: sudo apt-get install wine1.5

    With Software Center: Just search for Wine. Verify that it is the 1.5 version.

    Of the 4 I recommend first Synaptic, followed by aptitude and apt. Last is Software Center. Not because there is a package problem in general, but because, for this particular case, Software Center for example, gives little put error if something happens, does not show what package dependencies are being installed and one does not know until the end if everything worked or not.

  5. Verify that everything is correct by either running winetricks from the Dash or the terminal. Either way, the Wine Configuration Window should appear. This means everything is ok.

Solution 2:

You can install playonlinux and it'll automatically select the best version of wine.

sudo apt-get install playonlinux winetricks