Record Live stream

Solution 1:

The stream in your link seems to be a RTMP stream. Solution:

Downloading RTMP streams with rtmpdump and rtmpsrv

  1. Install rtmpdump by opening your terminal with Ctrl + Alt + T and using this command:

    sudo apt-get install rtmpdump
  2. Redirect RTMP traffic through a local port. Copy & paste this command to the terminal window:

    sudo iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 1935 -j REDIRECT
  3. Start rtmpsrv by typing in the terminal:

  4. Go to the website where the video stream is and start playing the video.

  5. After a while, rtmpsrv should output a longish command that will look something like this:

    rtmpdump -r "rtmp://" -a "live/" -f "LNX 11,6,602,171" -W "" -p "" -y "nnnnnn.sdp" -o nnnnnn.flv
  6. Stop rtmpsrv with Ctrl + C. You can leave the website.

  7. Before downloading, you need to delete the port forwarding you did previously. Copy & paste this command to the terminal:

    sudo iptables -t nat -D OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 1935 -j REDIRECT
  8. Finally, copy the longish command starting with "rtmpdump -r..." and paste it in the terminal. rtmpdump should start downloading the stream. You can stop the downloading with Ctrl + C.

Solution 2:

I guess this is newish, but this thing is brilliant: It's a "snap", so to install it you type

sudo snap install youtube-dl-bdmurray

Then I simply wrote [url-containing-video]

on the command line, and it found the video, started the video (which was not automatic), downloaded/streamed the thing, and left me with a perfect mp4 file.