Does the GitHub traffic graph include your own views?

OK I just contacted support and received a response:

Hello -

> Do the numbers in the traffic graphs include your own views? What about the view of contributors?

Thanks for getting in touch! Yes, the numbers include everyone's views including repository owners and contributors. There's no way to filter this information at the moment, but I can definitely add that as a feature request for the team to consider.

Hope that answers your question - thanks!

So it does include your own views, but they might add the option to filter it later.

It looks like this behavior has changed, and now the traffic by the repository owner's views does not count when the owner is logged in.

A recent support question asked this, among others, and received the following reply from a member of staff:

  1. My visit to my repository also count as a visit?

No, viewing your own repository while signed in doesn’t count towards this data.

I have checked that his holds by checking one of my repositories: the graph shows no views even on days when I visited the repository several times.