Why is debugging better in an IDE? [closed]

Some examples of some abilities that an IDE debugger will give you over trace messages in code:

  • View the call stack at any point in time, giving you a context for your current stack frame.
  • Step into libraries that you are not able to re-compile for the purposes of adding traces (assuming you have access to the debug symbols)
  • Change variable values while the program is running
  • Edit and continue - the ability to change code while it is running and immediately see the results of the change
  • Be able to watch variables, seeing when they change
  • Be able to skip or repeat sections of code, to see how the code will perform. This allows you to test out theoretical changes before making them.
  • Examine memory contents in real-time
  • Alert you when certain exceptions are thrown, even if they are handled by the application.
  • Conditional breakpointing; stopping the application only in exceptional circumstances to allow you to analyse the stack and variables.
  • View the thread context in multi-threaded applications, which can be difficult to achieve with tracing (as the traces from different threads will be interleaved in the output).

In summary, print statements are (generally) static and you'll need to re-compile to get additional information if your original statements weren't detailed enough. The IDE removes this static barrier, giving you a dynamic toolkit at your fingertips.

When I first started coding, I couldn't understand what the big deal with debuggers was and I thought I could achieve anything with tracing (granted, that was on unix and the debugger was GDB). But once you learn how to properly use a graphical debugger, you don't want to go back to print statements.

  • An IDE debugger lets you change the values of variables at run-time.

  • An IDE debugger lets you see the value of variables you didn't know you wanted to see when execution began.

  • An IDE debugger lets you see the call stack and examine the state of the function passed weird values. (think this function is called from hundreds of places, you don't know where these weird values are coming from)

  • An IDE debugger lets you conditionally break execution at any point in code, based on a condition, not a line number.

  • An IDE debugger will let you examine the state of the program in the case of an unhandled exception instead of just crapping out.

Here's one thing that you definitely cannot debug with "print" statement, which is when a customer brings you memory dump and says "your program crashed, can you tell me why?"

  • Print statements all through your code reduces readability.
  • Adding and removing them for debug purposes only is time consuming
  • Debuggers track the call stack making it easy to see where you are
  • Variables can be modified on the fly
  • Adhoc commands can be executed during a pause in execution to assist diagnosing
  • Can be used IN CONJUNCTION with print statements : Debug.Write("...")