How can I send an email through the UNIX mailx command?

How can I send an email through the UNIX mailx command?

Solution 1:

an example

$ echo "something" | mailx -s "subject" [email protected]

to send attachment

$ uuencode file file | mailx -s "subject" [email protected]

and to send attachment AND write the message body

$ (echo "something\n" ; uuencode file file) | mailx -s "subject" [email protected]

Solution 2:

Here you are :

echo "Body" | mailx -r "FROM_EMAIL" -s "SUBJECT" "To_EMAIL"

PS. Body and subject should be kept within double quotes. Remove quotes from FROM_EMAIL and To_EMAIL while substituting email addresses.

Solution 3:

mailx -s "subjec_of_mail" [email protected] < file_name

through mailx utility we can send a file from unix to mail server. here in above code we can see first parameter is -s "subject of mail" the second parameter is mail ID and the last parameter is name of file which we want to attach

Solution 4:

mail [-s subject] [-c ccaddress] [-b bccaddress] toaddress

-c and -b are optional.

-s : Specify subject;if subject contains spaces, use quotes.

-c : Send carbon copies to list of users seperated by comma.

-b : Send blind carbon copies to list of users seperated by comma.

Hope my answer clarifies your doubt.

Solution 5:

Its faster with MUTT command

echo "Body Of the Email"  | mutt -a "File_Attachment.csv" -s "Daily Report for $(date)"  -c [email protected] [email protected] -y
  1. -c email cc list
  2. -s subject list
  3. -y to send the mail