Search for ALL large files and folders (not just some) using Finder (not third-party)

Solution 1:

It is not possible to search for folders by file size. The combined size of all files and folders contained in a folder is computed on the fly by Finder when you ask for it.

For normal Finder windows, you can enable the option to “Calculate all sizes” in View > View Options. That option is not available for search results.

What you can do is search for files that were recently added to the system and then check the total size of folders where such a files were found. While the file you find using this method may be small, it can be part of a larger collection of files you have downloaded or installed.

I have written a blog post that shows how to find large files and folders. In the blog post I use HoudahSpot. Full disclosure: I am the developer of HoudahSpot.

You can use much the same techniques with Finder. HoudahSpot however makes it easier to set up the search. It also has the ability to show the “total size” of folders as a column in search results. You can also use HoudahSpot to quickly compute the total size of a folder.

Both Finder and HoudahSpot search the Spotlight index. Neither will be able to find system files. Yet HoudahSpot will come up with search results that the Finder intentionally hides.

BTW, if disk space "went missing” just recently, try restarting your Mac. This will clean up temporary files left behind by applications.

Solution 2:

It's possible to search by size using Terminal (Confirmed working on Mojave).

No 3rd party tools or hacks.

Here is a command I used to look through and find largest folders taking my space away (run as root and the command to switch to root is: sudo -i):

du -k / | awk '$1 > 500000' | sort -nr

Once you get the list (ignore the 'Operation not permitted' since those are files you can't (shouldn't) mess with anyway) and look for the top ones.

Solution 3:

Mac's Finder search limits where your results come from. I'd recommend two solutions, both of which are free (one with a free trial).

The first is EasyFind (free) from Devon Technologies and truly searches the entire directory of your Mac. It's vital for getting a true search on your Mac.

The second solution is very handy for finding the culprits of large HD space: DaisyDisk (free trial). DaisyDisk will analyze a specified drive and then provide you with an interactive drill down to determine which files exactly are causing the issues.