How to export the event log from the into a text file?

According to tutorials, you'd export your event log by pressing the "Share" and using e.g. the

However, I want to export the event log to a plain text file instead of an extension app.

How can I do this?

  1. You can send the logs as a plane text via mail. Just press Cmd-Shift-T in before sending e-mail (or choose Menu -> Format -> Make Plane Text). This will clear all formatting in hole email and the recipient will receive the logs in proper format.

  2. Cmd-A, Cmd-C in and Cmd-V in an empty text file as it was suggested by Seamus.

  3. You can use and directly database were all the logs resides and even do not open

  • To see the logs for your app:
log show --predicate 'sender == "the_name_of_your_app"' --style compact
  • To see the logs for the specified time interval:
log show --predicate 'sender == "the_name_of_your_app"' --style compact --start '2020-10-07 16:55:00' --end '2020-10-07 16:59:00'
  • To save the logs for the specified time interval into a file to keep/send:
log show --predicate 'sender == "the_name_of_your_app"' --style compact --start '2020-10-07 16:55:00' --end '2020-10-07 16:59:00' > your_library.log
  • To see the logs in real time directly in Terminal:
log stream --predicate 'sender == "the_name_of_your_app"' --style compact

Press Ctrl-C to stop capturing process.

Try this while viewing the event log in

  1. click Edit > Select All to select all the messages on the current screen.

  2. click Edit > Copy to copy them to your clipboard

Paste the results to your chosen text editor?

If that doesn't make it for you, please edit your question to provide more details & we'll try to help.