Can I aim guns separately?

Sometimes in the heat of battle there is multiple ships I want to shoot at, Is it possible to train cannon 1 on enemy A and train cannon 2 on enemy B?

Solution 1:

The simple answer is no. You can't train your main armament on multiple targets at the same time. However the suggestion has popped up quite a few times in the WOWs forums.

You can however aim your secondary armament at a different target to your main by holding down the CTRL key and selecting a target. This is also the case for your anti aircraft guns (hold CTRL key and select air group).

Generally only BB's have such secondary armaments for ship to ship engagements and the range is only short so to take advantage of this you'll have to get up close and personal.

Note: the 'P' key will disable your secondary armament and AA guns this is useful if your trying to stay hidden.