What's a synonym for a passionate person?

According to the few anthropologists brave enough to study them in situ, a small (not in stature) but little known tribe in the north of Ardor--the Ardorians--are particularly known for their passion for roasted anthropologist. Which, perhaps, explains why they are so little known. I suppose they wouldn't mind if you appropriated their name.

An alternative to Ardorian, of course, is: "hot-blooded" adjective: lustful; passionate. "hot-blooded, pulse-pounding passion"

synonyms: passionate, amorous, amatory, ardent, fervid, lustful, libidinous, lecherous, sexy, virile


A more moderate and general term is: Enthusiast noun: 1. One who is filled with enthusiasm; one who is ardently absorbed in an interest or pursuit: a baseball enthusiast.

The Free Dictionary

Another term describing an individual with unusually "strong desires, goals, or convictions, and [who] works hard to make them a reality or prove their point" is as a:

Type A personality The theory describes "Type A" individuals as ambitious, rigidly organized, highly status-conscious, sensitive, impatient, take on more than they can handle, want other people to get to the point, anxious, proactive, and concerned with time management. People with Type A personalities are often high-achieving "workaholics" who multi-task, push themselves with deadlines, and hate both delays and ambivalence. Wikipedia