Lenovo G530 laptop screen flicker

Solution 1:

Usually a flicker is caused by the inverter or the actual internal signal cable itself. If you feel up to it, I'd crack the case and just reseat the video cable - that might fix the problem.

EDIT: Oh, hey, look what I found! Hehehe. (The G530 is an awful machine. I used to do support for ThinkPads and we'd get misdirected calls for these things a lot, so I've heard the gamut - you're not the first person with this problem.)

Solution 2:

This guy seems to have found a good solution

enter image description here

Solution 3:

Flickering Problem fixed.

I have Lenovo G530. I had similar problem for long time (more than a year).

I used to reattach the left LCD cable which would fix the problem temporarily. But the flickering would start after sometime again.

I also found out that the flickering would stop if i pressed down on the panel next to the power switch area (Not the power switch). I figured it must be the loose cable on the left of the LCD. So I put a little piece of paper & taped it right below the power switch, where there is little empty space without cables.

The idea was to push the left LCD cable & keep it firmly attached. I used a simple copy paper folded 3-4 times about 1/2 inch wide & 2 inch long. The paper is taped at the bottom of the top panel in a way that it will push down on the left LCD cable.

Since then, I haven't had flickering for a month now. This is probably one of the most stupidest fix i had done in my life !!!