How do I align spans or divs horizontally?

Solution 1:

You can use divs with the float: left; attribute which will make them appear horizontally next to each other, but then you may need to use clearing on the following elements to make sure they don't overlap.

Solution 2:

You can use

.floatybox {
     display: inline-block;
     width: 123px;

If you only need to support browsers that have support for inline blocks. Inline blocks can have width, but are inline, like button elements.

Oh, and you might wnat to add vertical-align: top on the elements to make sure things line up

Solution 3:

My answer:

 #whatever div {
  display: inline;
  margin: 0 1em 0 1em;
  width: 30%;

<div id="whatever">


Technically, a Span is an inline element, however it can have width, you just need to set their display property to block first. However, in this context, a div is probably more appropriate, as I'm guessing you want to fill these divs with content.

One thing you definitely don't want to do is have clear:both set on the divs. Setting it like that will mean that the browser will not allow any elements to sit on the same line as them. The result, your elements will stack up.

Note, the use of display:inline. This deals with the ie6 margin-doubling bug. You could tackle this in other ways if necessary, for example conditional stylesheets.

I've added a wrapper (#whatever) as I'm guessing these won't be the only elements on page, so you'll almost certainly need to segregate them from the other page elements.

Anyway, I hope that's helpful.