Is there any single word substitute for 'Burning Alive'? We've Behead for 'Cut off the head'. Similar way, What is the Single word equivalent for 'Burning Alive' If any?

The word immolation has this sense (among others):

immolate tr.v.

  1. To kill (an animal, for instance) as a religious sacrifice.
  2. To kill, especially by fire: "[The soldiers] are crushed under rocks, pierced by bullets, immolated by flamethrowers" (A.O. Scott).

immolation n.

{AHDEL} [tidied]

The usual term for this is immolation, derived from the verb immolate:



Kill or offer as a sacrifice, especially by burning


Chinese kings would immolate vast numbers of animals

When her father - who did not accept Shiva, ever - publicly humiliated her beloved at the ritual, Sati immolated herself in the sacrificial fire, desecrating it.

In the old days, the priests used to immolate their sacrifices at the shrine of Huitzilopochti on top of the temple mayor of Tenochtitlan, but we're more civilised than that.

Madri immolates herself on her husband's funeral pyre.

(Definition and examples from