What adjective is/will be used to describe the scope of all things within a solar system?

Solution 1:

This is a good question. I'm sure at least one sci-fi author must have coined such an adjective, and I feel like I must have come across one in the past, but I can't remember any right now.

One option that I've found in scientific contexts is circumstellar. It is used primarily in reference to circumstellar disks, such as the asteroid and kuiper belts, but it could be used to refer to anything in orbit around a star (or in orbit around a binary star system.)

Solution 2:


may refer to:

Interplanetary space, the space between the planets of the Solar System. Interplanetary spaceflight, travel between planets. The interplanetary medium, the material that exists in interplanetary space.


Solution 3:

A reasonable guess might be "system-wide" - analagous to "nationwide".

I think there is a distinction between "national" and "nationwide" news operations - the latter meaning news gathered "across the whole country", including at a local level (see e.g. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/nationwide), while the former seems to mean "news about events that have a national impact" (e.g. a national government decision is automatically national news, whereas a decision by local government that would have to be so unusual or important as to be worth reporting at the national level)

So perhaps there might be a distinction to be drawn between "systemic" or "whole-system" news, and "system-wide" news. I quite like the idea of "pan-systemic".