Dual Boot Windows 8 with Ubuntu 12.10

This issue is to do with UEFI. In Windows 8 on the start screen, type in "msconfig" (without the quotes) and in the boot tab, see if Ubuntu is listed. If it is, select the entry by highlighting it and click on "Set as default". This should hopefully load the Ubuntu bootloader instead of Windows' boot menu allowing you you boot into Ubuntu.

Also, from the start screen type in "uefi" and in the settings option on the seach charm, click on "Advanced start up options", click on it. Scroll down to the bottom of the entry and under "Advanced start up", click Restart now. You should now have an option to change the boot order.

Hope this works!


I have been having the same problem for a week. I installed both operating systems on different partitions of the same disk. After several trials, I managed to boot on Linux and Windows 8. Here is what I found so far:

  • Windows 8 boots if 'SecureBoot' option is enabled in the hardware level. During startup, I press F12 on my toshiba laptop to set this.
  • Linux versions (Ubuntu/Mint) boot if 'SecureBoot' option is disabled.

To go to Windows 8, I enable SecureBoot and restart the laptop. To go to Linux, I disable SecureBoot and restart the laptop. Though it takes an extra step, this is the only way I could use both operating systems on the same PC.

Good luck!