What is Validity and Satisfiability in a propositional statement?

I tend to see these words a lot in Discrete Mathematics. I assumed these were just simple words until I bumped into a question.

Is the following proposition Satisfiable? Is it Valid?
$(P \rightarrow Q) \Leftrightarrow (Q \rightarrow R ) $

Then I searched in the net but in vain. So I'm asking here. What do you mean by Satisfiable and Valid? Please explain.

A formula is valid if it is true for all values of its terms. Satisfiability refers to the existence of a combination of values to make the expression true. So in short, a proposition is satisfiable if there is at least one true result in its truth table, valid if all values it returns in the truth table are true.

Satisfiability -the other way of interpretation
A propositional statement is satisfiable if and only if, its truth table is not contradiction.
Not contradiction means, it could be a tautology also.

Hence, every tautology is also Satisfiable.
However, Satisfiability doesn't imply Tautology.

Another thing to note is, if a propositional statement is Tautology, then its always valid.

Thus, Tautology implies ( Satisfiability + Validity ).