How to display interface in tcpdump output flow?

Solution 1:

I hope somebody is still interested in the solution to the problem. ;) We had the same issue in our company and I started writing a script for this.

I wrote a blog post about it with the source code and a screenshot.

I've also shared it below...

enter image description here

And the code: (Be sure to check my site for future updates)

# USAGE: [-i interface] [tcpdump-parameters]
# DESCRIPTION: tcpdump on any interface and add the prefix [Interace:xy] in front of the dump data.
# OPTIONS: same as tcpdump
# REQUIREMENTS: tcpdump, sed, ifconfig, kill, awk, grep, posix regex matching
# BUGS:  ---
# FIXED: - In 1.0 The parameter -w would not work without -i parameter as multiple tcpdumps are started.
#        - In 1.1 VLAN's would not be shown if a single interface was dumped.
# NOTES: ---
#        - 1.2 git initial
# AUTHOR: Sebastian Haas
# COMPANY: pharma mall
# VERSION: 1.2
# CREATED: 16.09.2014
# REVISION: 22.09.2014

# When this exits, exit all background processes:
trap 'kill $(jobs -p) &> /dev/null && sleep 0.2 &&  echo ' EXIT
# Create one tcpdump output per interface and add an identifier to the beginning of each line:
if [[ $@ =~ -i[[:space:]]?[^[:space:]]+ ]]; then
    tcpdump -l $@ | sed 's/^/[Interface:'"${BASH_REMATCH[0]:2}"'] /' &
    for interface in $(ifconfig | grep '^[a-z0-9]' | awk '{print $1}')
       tcpdump -l -i $interface -nn $@ | sed 's/^/[Interface:'"$interface"']    /' &
# wait .. until CTRL+C

Solution 2:

You can use the -e option to print the ethernet headers, then you can correlate the src/dst MAC addresses with your network interfaces ;).