Alternative Remote Desktop Software

I'm a fan of mRemote. Can use RDP and PuTTY for all my connections, all within one window. It's flaked out on me once, which is a small percentage of when my whole workstation flakes out, so it's good in my book!

Not really your best "tabs" solution (I guess), but you could just create a multi-session applet using MMC. Just add the 'remote desktop' snap-in and add servers that way. The sessions will stay open and you can go back and forth between them through that MMC applet, make sure you save it though and put it somewhere easily accessible.

  1. Launch mmc (run>mmc)
  2. File>add/rem snap-in
  3. Add the "remote desktop" snap-in
  4. Add your terminal servers

Good Luck!

There is RoyalTS, I tried this years ago and gave up because of the bugs. Maybe they have been ironed out.

However, if you create .rdp file for all your connections and choose group related items on the taskbar you are almost there. We now have all of these in a shared folder so all techs can use them.

The built in remote desktop client is one of the best available in terms of performance. If you're really looking for an alternative though, you may wish to try some form of VNC...although its not multi sessioned which could be a let down depending on your situation.

It might help if you could explain exactly what's missing in the existing remote desktop client?

Windows built-in MMC snap-in "Remote Desktops" perhaps? ^^ (note the plural form)