What is a more formal alternative for saying where do you slack at and where do you excell at [closed]

What is a more formal alternative for saying where do you slack at and where do you excell at

Solution 1:

Depending on the subject matter, the following pairs might work:

Strengths and Weaknesses of ...

Assets and Liabilities of ...

Gains and Losses of ...

Opportunities and Obstacles of ...

Some single word options:

Evaluation of ...

Appraisal of ...

Assessment of ...

Arguments for and against seems like the formal alternative suggested by the definition and etymology of pros and cons:

pl n

the various arguments in favor of and against a motion, course of action, etc

Etymology: 16th Century: from Latin prō for + con, from contrā against

Depending on the actual context you could use a number of alternatives for arguments:

  • I assessed the arguments for and against...
  • We investigated the claims for and against...
  • They considered the assertions for and against...
  • She examined the reasons for and against...
  • He evaluated the considerations for and against...

Credit to Edwin Ashworth for his comment.

Solution 2:

"Advantages and Disadvantages" seems like an obvious choice, however depending on the actual title of your paper you may prefer using "Positive Effects and Negative Effects of..." (if it's a scientific paper)