Find nearest latitude/longitude with an SQL query

SELECT latitude, longitude, SQRT(
    POW(69.1 * (latitude - [startlat]), 2) +
    POW(69.1 * ([startlng] - longitude) * COS(latitude / 57.3), 2)) AS distance
FROM TableName HAVING distance < 25 ORDER BY distance;

where [starlat] and [startlng] is the position where to start measuring the distance.

Google's solution:

Creating the Table

When you create the MySQL table, you want to pay particular attention to the lat and lng attributes. With the current zoom capabilities of Google Maps, you should only need 6 digits of precision after the decimal. To keep the storage space required for your table at a minimum, you can specify that the lat and lng attributes are floats of size (10,6). That will let the fields store 6 digits after the decimal, plus up to 4 digits before the decimal, e.g. -123.456789 degrees. Your table should also have an id attribute to serve as the primary key.

CREATE TABLE `markers` (
  `name` VARCHAR( 60 ) NOT NULL ,
  `address` VARCHAR( 80 ) NOT NULL ,
  `lat` FLOAT( 10, 6 ) NOT NULL ,
  `lng` FLOAT( 10, 6 ) NOT NULL

Populating the Table

After creating the table, it's time to populate it with data. The sample data provided below is for about 180 pizzarias scattered across the United States. In phpMyAdmin, you can use the IMPORT tab to import various file formats, including CSV (comma-separated values). Microsoft Excel and Google Spreadsheets both export to CSV format, so you can easily transfer data from spreadsheets to MySQL tables through exporting/importing CSV files.

INSERT INTO `markers` (`name`, `address`, `lat`, `lng`) VALUES ('Frankie Johnnie & Luigo Too','939 W El Camino Real, Mountain View, CA','37.386339','-122.085823');
INSERT INTO `markers` (`name`, `address`, `lat`, `lng`) VALUES ('Amici\'s East Coast Pizzeria','790 Castro St, Mountain View, CA','37.38714','-122.083235');
INSERT INTO `markers` (`name`, `address`, `lat`, `lng`) VALUES ('Kapp\'s Pizza Bar & Grill','191 Castro St, Mountain View, CA','37.393885','-122.078916');
INSERT INTO `markers` (`name`, `address`, `lat`, `lng`) VALUES ('Round Table Pizza: Mountain View','570 N Shoreline Blvd, Mountain View, CA','37.402653','-122.079354');
INSERT INTO `markers` (`name`, `address`, `lat`, `lng`) VALUES ('Tony & Alba\'s Pizza & Pasta','619 Escuela Ave, Mountain View, CA','37.394011','-122.095528');
INSERT INTO `markers` (`name`, `address`, `lat`, `lng`) VALUES ('Oregano\'s Wood-Fired Pizza','4546 El Camino Real, Los Altos, CA','37.401724','-122.114646');

Finding Locations with MySQL

To find locations in your markers table that are within a certain radius distance of a given latitude/longitude, you can use a SELECT statement based on the Haversine formula. The Haversine formula is used generally for computing great-circle distances between two pairs of coordinates on a sphere. An in-depth mathemetical explanation is given by Wikipedia and a good discussion of the formula as it relates to programming is on Movable Type's site.

Here's the SQL statement that will find the closest 20 locations that are within a radius of 25 miles to the 37, -122 coordinate. It calculates the distance based on the latitude/longitude of that row and the target latitude/longitude, and then asks for only rows where the distance value is less than 25, orders the whole query by distance, and limits it to 20 results. To search by kilometers instead of miles, replace 3959 with 6371.

   3959 *
   acos(cos(radians(37)) * 
   cos(radians(lat)) * 
   cos(radians(lng) - 
   radians(-122)) + 
   sin(radians(37)) * 
   sin(radians(lat )))
) AS distance 
FROM markers 
HAVING distance < 28 
ORDER BY distance LIMIT 0, 20;

This one is to find latitudes and longitudes in a distance less than 28 miles.

Another one is to find them in a distance between 28 and 29 miles:

   3959 *
   acos(cos(radians(37)) * 
   cos(radians(lat)) * 
   cos(radians(lng) - 
   radians(-122)) + 
   sin(radians(37)) * 
   sin(radians(lat )))
) AS distance 
FROM markers 
HAVING distance < 29 and distance > 28 
ORDER BY distance LIMIT 0, 20;

Here is my full solution implemented in PHP.

This solution uses the Haversine formula as presented in

It should be noted that the Haversine formula experiences weaknesses around the poles. This answer shows how to implement the vincenty Great Circle Distance formula to get around this, however I chose to just use Haversine because it's good enough for my purposes.

I'm storing latitude as DECIMAL(10,8) and longitude as DECIMAL(11,8). Hopefully this helps!


 * Use the Haversine Formula to display the 100 closest matches to $origLat, $origLon
 * Only search the MySQL table $tableName for matches within a 10 mile ($dist) radius.
include("./assets/db/db.php"); // Include database connection function
$db = new database(); // Initiate a new MySQL connection
$tableName = "db.table";
$origLat = 42.1365;
$origLon = -71.7559;
$dist = 10; // This is the maximum distance (in miles) away from $origLat, $origLon in which to search
$query = "SELECT name, latitude, longitude, 3956 * 2 * 
          ASIN(SQRT( POWER(SIN(($origLat - latitude)*pi()/180/2),2)
          +COS($origLat*pi()/180 )*COS(latitude*pi()/180)
          as distance FROM $tableName WHERE 
          longitude between ($origLon-$dist/cos(radians($origLat))*69) 
          and ($origLon+$dist/cos(radians($origLat))*69) 
          and latitude between ($origLat-($dist/69)) 
          and ($origLat+($dist/69)) 
          having distance < $dist ORDER BY distance limit 100"; 
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    echo $row['name']." > ".$row['distance']."<BR>";


 * Class to initiate a new MySQL connection based on $dbInfo settings found in dbSettings.php
 * @example $db = new database(); // Initiate a new database connection
 * @example mysql_close($db); // close the connection
class database{
    protected $databaseLink;
    function __construct(){
        include "dbSettings.php";
        $this->database = $dbInfo['host'];
        $this->mysql_user = $dbInfo['user'];
        $this->mysql_pass = $dbInfo['pass'];
        return $this->get_link();
    function openConnection(){
    $this->databaseLink = mysql_connect($this->database, $this->mysql_user, $this->mysql_pass);

    function get_link(){
    return $this->databaseLink;


$dbInfo = array(
    'host'      => "localhost",
    'user'      => "root",
    'pass'      => "password"

It may be possible to increase performance by using a MySQL stored procedure as suggested by the "Geo-Distance-Search-with-MySQL" article posted above.

I have a database of ~17,000 places and the query execution time is 0.054 seconds.