What do you call the main component of a computer system?

What do you call the main component off your computer system. I am talking about the case plus all the guts (motherboard, cpu, hard drive, video, etc) minus the peripherals (video, mouse, keyboard).

Frequently I hear people call use words to describe the main box like case, hard drive, CPU, tower, desktop, motherboard, box, workstation, server, etc. It annoys me to no end when the use most of the those terms since they each refer to a specific component that part up the main box.

I personally do not think the word 'computer' is right. I believe the common usage of the word computer generally means the entire system including all the peripherals, but maybe I am wrong about this.

Since this is more of a poll then a question I have set it as community wiki. Please tell us what word(s) you use, provide some reasoning if you have any. I am hoping people will vote up the term that has the most common usage.

Solution 1:

Box, the plural of which is Boxen.

Solution 2:

Box, System, or Machine.

"CPU" seems like a silly term to refer to the whole system. "Computer" is usually good enough but sometimes lacks sufficient specificity to exclude the monitor, keyboard, etc.

Solution 3:

It's a "box"... if it's under the desk, in a rack, or somewhere out there on the network... to me, it's just a box!

Sample usage:

"Has that box got a console, or will I have to remote in?"

"Damn DNS box dropped its guts again!"

"Second rack from the left, third box down, the one with no lights on..."

"Just flick the box..." (tr: simply restart the system).