SSL for PostgreSQL connection nodejs

I am trying to connect to my Heroku PostgreSQL DB and I keep getting an SSL error. Does anyone have an idea on how to enable SSL in the connection string?


Been looking for it everywhere but it does not seem to be a very popular topic. By the way, I am running Nodejs and the node-pg module with its connection-pooled method:

pg.connect(connString, function(err, client, done) {
  // Should work.

Comments are much appreciated.

Solution 1:

You can achieve this like this:


Solution 2:

You also can use this code below when create a new Client from node-postgres:

var pg = require("pg");

var client = new pg.Client({
  user: "yourUser",
  password: "yourPass",
  database: "yourDatabase",
  port: 5432,
  host: "",
  ssl: true


var query = client.query('CREATE TABLE people(id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(100) not null)');

query.on('row', function(row) {

query.on('end', client.end.bind(client));

Hope this helps!

Solution 3:

With Google Cloud PG and pg-promise I had a similar need. The error I got (using ?ssl=true) was connection requires a valid client certificate.

SSL connection is not documented for pg-promise but it is built on node-postgres. As explained in the link, the ssl config parameter can be more than just true:

const pgp = require('pg-promise')();
const fs = require('fs');

const connectionConf = {
    host: '',
    port: 5432,
    database: 'specific_db_name',
    user: 'my_App_user',
    password: 'aSecretePass',
    ssl: {
        rejectUnauthorized : false,
        ca   : fs.readFileSync("server-ca.pem").toString(),
        key  : fs.readFileSync("client-key.pem").toString(),
        cert : fs.readFileSync("client-cert.pem").toString(),

const new_db = pgp(connectionConf);
new_db.any('SELECT * FROM interesting_table_a LIMIT 10')
    .then(res => {console.log(res);})
    .catch(err => {console.error(err);})
    .then(() => {new_db.$pool.end()});

Solution 4:

For anybody looking for a TypeORM solution, it's also {ssl: true}.

Full example:

const connectionOptions: PostgresConnectionOptions = {
    name: `default`,
    type: `postgres`,
    url: process.env.DATABASE_URL,
    ssl: process.env.DATABASE_SSL === `true`