Is there an Android remote app compatible with LibreOffice Impress under Ubuntu?

I have an upcoming presentation I want to make in LibreOffice Impress on my Ubuntu 12.10 laptop. I was wondering if I could get ahold of an Android app which would act like a remote control, allowing me to switch between slides from my phone over WiFi without having to stay near the laptop (I've been told I need to move around more during my presentations).

A quick look on the Google Play store seemed to turn up a handful of PowerPoint remote apps for Windows or maybe Mac. I also took a look at Can an Android phone control Ubuntu like a remote?, but that seems more for controlling an Ubuntu media center. Is there anything which will work with LibreOffice Impress on Ubuntu?

My phone is a Samsung Galaxy Precedent on Straight Talk, running Android 2.2.2 (latest available version from the carrier). It's not rooted, and there's not much memory on it either, so the smaller and simpler the app the better. Also, it has to be free because I currently don't have a means to pay for an app I may/may not like.

Solution 1:

You can try PPT ODP Remote Premium (2.50 €). Its description says that the server application works on Linux, too. It doesn't mention LibreOffice, only OpenOffice, but I hope they are compatible enough. But I didn't test it.

If you don't mind ads and a bit of ugliness, Ubuntu Remote Control works. It only needs an SSH server on the PC (and public key authentication is possible), and xdotool to send key strokes. You can edit the shortcut buttons by long pressing them. Have a look at the predefined "Open Audio Player" command:

export DISPLAY=:0; xdotool key XF86AudioMedia

To send a Next (Page Down) key, use

export DISPLAY=:0; xdotool key Next

You can assign the keys in Impress so that they match - or send the correct keys with xdotool in the first place. To find the correct key names, you can use xev in a terminal.

There is also Remote Launcher Free, which needs a server program on the PC. You could use it to send keystrokes with xdotool, too.

And there are SSHmote and Coversal.

Solution 2:

As an update to the accepted answer, the LibreOffice Impress Remote app has been officialy released by the Document Foundation, and you can find it on Google Play. Requires a LibO 4.0.1, Bluetooth, and Android 2.3.3+.

Solution 3:

The upcoming version of LibreOffice will have integration with the official Impress remote. You'd need a daily build and the debug apk:


  •[email protected]/master/current/