Transfer git repositories from GitLab to GitHub - can we, how to and pitfalls (if any)?

Solution 1:

You can transfer those (simply by adding a remote to a GitHub repo and by pushing them)

  • create an empty repo on GitHub
  • git remote add github https://[email protected]/yourLogin/yourRepoName.git
  • git push --mirror github

The history will be the same.

But you will loose the access control (teams defined in GitLab with specific access rights on your repo)

If you facing any issue with the https URL of the GitHub repo:

The requested URL returned an error: 403

All you need to do is to enter your GitHub password, but the OP suggests:

Then you might need to push it the ssh way. You can read more on how to do it here.

See "Pushing to Git returning Error Code 403 fatal: HTTP request failed".

Solution 2:

This is very easy by import repository feature Login to,

Side of profile picture you will find + button click on that then there will be option to import repository. you will find page like this. enter image description here Your old repository’s clone URL is required which is gitlab repo url in your case. then select Owner and then type name for this repo and click to begin import button.

Solution 3:

If you want to migrate the repo including the wiki and all issues and milestones, you can use node-gitlab-2-github and GitLab to GitHub migration

Solution 4:

If you have MFA enabled on GitLab you should go to Repository Settings/Repository ->Deploy Keys and create one, then use it as login while importing repo on GitHub