What would be a suitable name for the game panel in tetris?

Solution 1:

The well? The shaft?

Edit: Wikipedia suggests the well or the matrix, but also mentions shaft:

A random sequence of tetrominoes (sometimes called "tetrads" in older versions) [...] fall down the playing field (a rectangular vertical shaft, called the "well" or "matrix").

The Tetris Wiki has this:

The playfield is the grid into which tetrominoes fall, also called the "well" (common in older games) or the "matrix" (especially in more recent Tetris brand games). The playfield is surrounded by a frame called the tetrion, which controls the overall behavior of tetrominoes.

Solution 2:

Pretty much anything will work as long as you are consistent:

  • board
  • window
  • screen
  • play area
  • area
  • rectangle
  • box
  • home
  • foundation
  • zone
  • world
  • grid

Other than that, just copy the name from someone else:

  • field (Wikipedia)
  • well (Wikipedia)
  • shaft (Wikipedia)
  • matrix (Wikipedia, Tetris)
  • screen (Vadim Gerasimov)