Not able to install Netbeans IDE (PHP bundle) on OS X El Capitan

Solution 1:

Make sure that you have downloaded and are using the correct installer. Like your note says, it evidently should not require a separate Java installation.

Otherwise, just install the JDK separately.

Solution 2:

I did it for the C++ Bundle, but it should also work with other versions without Java support.

  • After mounting the disk image, copy the Netbeans 8.1.pkg to a local folder.
  • unpack it using Terminal with this command pkgutil --expand NetBeans\ 8.1.pkg ./out/
  • open the ./out/Distribution file with a text editor
  • remove from the checkSystem function the part with the java check. Final result: function checkSystem() { var mem_result = checkMemsize(); return mem_result; }
  • save the file an package everything back with pkgutil --flatten ./out/ Netbeans_fixed.pkg
  • now start the installation using the repackaged file