Python-based app requires bypassing 'unknown developer' warning

Using a Python utility called py2app, I've built a distributable .app. from a Python-based project.

It launches fine (when double-clicked) on my own machine, yet when tried elsewhere (other users on other Macs), the user gets warned that the application is from an unknown developer, and he/she has to jump through the hoop of holding Ctrl then right-clicking, or the less secure 'allow from anywhere' option on System Preferences.

Excuse my ignorance, but what step(s) need to be taken such that this is not required?

Sign up with Apple as a paid developer and you can use your Mac App signing certificate to sign that app before distributing it. Your Apple ID will then allow Apple to trace things back to you should you sign something malicious and it comes to their attention.

You're looking for the Mac Provisioning Certificate that Apple will sign and deliver you you from


The alternative would be to disable gatekeeper, but I'm presuming you want to know how to have your app be accepted by many Macs without needing each one to bypass the settings globally or grant a one-time exception to your app each time you update it.