Word that encompasses a person's mood, activity, company, etc [closed]

Solution 1:

The problem with catch-all words is that they tend to be bland.

Situation and circumstance are good bland catch-all words:


  1. A set of circumstances in which one finds oneself; a state of affairs:
    ODO Emphasis added

Condition(s) is another relatively bland word that can catch all three elements of feeling, activity, and company:


  1. The circumstances or factors affecting the way in which people live or work, especially with regard to their well-being:

State or state of affairs is suggested by the definition of situation:


  1. The particular condition that someone or something is in at a specific time:

Status is related to state, so it would work too.

The single common problem with all of these words is that they blandly capture many ideas in stead of capturing our imagination with interesting specifics.

Solution 2:

The shortest word in AmE is "sup" - a contraction of "what's up".

If you approach someone and say "sup", it is recognized as a greeting.

If you ask "Sup?", you are in effect asking, "How are you?", "What's new?", Where are you and who are you with?", "How are they (one's testicles) hanging" - and various other questions.

I'm sure an authority such as Urban Dictionary will give the kiddies credit for this - but, it's been around for eons.

Solution 3:

Perhaps, mise en scene (noun): environment; locality


Your request is a heavy burden for a single word to carry and the greater the load the more general and abstract the term will have to be.