Installing Notepad++ via WINE on Ubuntu Linux

Solution 1:

  1. Install Wine:

    sudo apt-get install wine
  2. Configure version (Windows 8 works for me) and drives (Autodetect, ../drive_c points to ~/.wine/drive_c/):

  3. Install:

    wine ~/Downloads/npp.7.3.3.Installer.exe

    Running directly after install may cause the plugins list not to load. It also appears that Plugin Manager 1.3.5 is the latest supported by Wine, as attempting to update the Plugin Manager broke the plugins list.

  4. Run:

    wine "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe"

    Or via menu if you don't like debug output. Note that 32-bit programs on 64-bit Windows are in Program Files (x86) and that 64-bit Notepad++ doesn't come with the Plugin Manager.

  5. Uninstall:

    wine uninstall

    Run again to make sure it's gone.

Solution 2:

Just run the installer with wine.

$ wine npp.5.8.5.Installer.exe

That should just work as long is it is an app that "plays nice".

You should also see an icon in your gnome or KDE menu.

But.... yes, Vim is better. ;-)