What is ballista arrow impact zone?
I made second entry to my fort as 1x100 tile long corridor, at the end of it I have ballista installed. It uses bronze ballista arrows. With first arrow, 10-15 goblins killed, but second arrow misses most of remaining after first arrow goblins.
- What are rules for flying ballista arrows?
- Will it hit lying target? (for example if first arrow demolished legs, or creature collapsed from injuries)
- If several creatures occupie one tile, will it hit all of them or only standing one?
- Unknown at this time, experimentation is key!
- Yes, keep firing!
- Yes! Die goblins die!
Spoilers ahoy!
Watch out when goblins are 'half down' or dead ones lying around while still firing as someone might try and loot them - ballista's don't care who they hit!