NUnit3: Assert.Throws with async Task

I am trying to port a test to NUnit3 and am getting a System.ArgumentException : 'async void' methods are not supported, please use 'async Task' instead.

public void InvalidUsername()
    var exception = Assert.Throws<HttpResponseException>(async () => await client.LoginAsync("[email protected]", testpassword));
    exception.HttpResponseMessage.StatusCode.ShouldEqual(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); // according to

Assert.Throws appears to take a TestDelegate, defined as:

public delegate void TestDelegate();

hence the ArgumentException. What is the best way to port this code?

This was resolved by Nunit. You can now use Assert.ThrowsAsync<>()


Assert.ThrowsAsync<Exception>(() => YourAsyncMethod());

I would recommend the following code instead of Assert.ThrowsAsync, as this is more readable:

// Option A
public void YourAsyncMethod_Throws_YourException_A()
    // Act
    AsyncTestDelegate act = () => YourAsyncMethod();

    // Assert
    Assert.That(act, Throws.TypeOf<YourException>());

// Option B (local function)
public void YourAsyncMethod_Throws_YourException_B()
    // Act
    Task Act() => YourAsyncMethod();

    // Assert
    Assert.That(Act, Throws.TypeOf<YourException>());