And I really really REALLY want to play this game. I've tried everything available on the first results of Google to no avail.

The best advice is to tweak the compatibility settings to Windows XP or 98 and start with administrator privileges. But the game just doesn't want to start up!

Can you help me? I remember there was a utility, an actual administrator compatibility toolkit which I used when I had Windows XP to be able to run Extreme G2, but it was too technical for me to tweak settings. Is there an equivalent for Windows 7? Remember this is the starter version so it doesn't come with virtual machine with Windows XP.

I don't know if it helps but my rig is an Acer Aspire laptop using AMD fusion processor C-50. It's a dual core system.

In compatibility settings, check win 98/ME compatibility, disable visual themes and desktop composition, and you should be good to go.

How about...

Installing Ubuntu with Wubi (doesn't destroy your windows install)

And using WINE

Because it should work -

You are likely seeking Application Compatibility Toolkit and its associated documentation resources