Is it possible to dismiss antlions in Half-Life 2?

I'm replaying Half-Life 2, and I got the antlion pheremones/"bugbait" a little while ago. Now I've moved on to a smaller area where my antlion followers are getting in my way more than they're helping me. What's worse, every time one dies, a new one spawns offscreen and rushes in to "help." Is there a way to dismiss them? If so, what is it?

Solution 1:

You can't dismiss them to my knowledge, but if they're obstructing your path, you can toss the bugbait behind you to direct them elsewhere.

I also seem to remember that if you press hard enough through them, they'll budge out of your way like any other NPC. In any case, it's usually best if you direct them forward as much as possible to soak up enemy bullets.