Synaptics touchpad scroll doesn't work on many applications

The Synaptics touchpad in my new laptop doesn't scroll at all in a number of applications, including Steam and Zune.

I've narrowed the problem down to Synaptics not sending mouse wheel messages, but rather manipulating scroll bars.

I'm only looking into one-finger side-of-touchpad scrolling, not two-finger scrolling.

Is there a way to make it send wheel messages so that it is compatible with all applications?


  • Windows 7 64-bit
  • Dell XPS 14
  • Latest Synaptics driver (have tried both from Synaptics and Dell)

My Synaptics options window looks like this and I've tried moving all the options to no avail:

enter image description here

After almost two years, I FINALLY found the solution!!

As explained in this article, it's as simple as editing the registry and adding a DWORD at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Synaptics\SynTPEnh with name UseScrollCursor and value 0 and restarting SynTPEnh.exe.

This fixed the problem in Steam and Zune flawlessly, with both edge scrolling and two-finger scrolling.

There is a suggestion in this thread :

The problem imho is not caused by the driver, but it's the SynTPEnh.exe, which is responsible for the scrolling and other features (kill the process in TaskManager, and two finger scrolling won't work an more in any application).

If you manage to run this tool with elevated privileges, two finger scrolling should work even for applications that were started as administrator.

One way to do this is to create a task in the task scheduler, that will start SynTPEnh.exe with highest privileges at logon.

Question: Did you install drivers from Toshiba's website? Or did you let Windows 7 automatically install the drivers?

This thread suggests going to Control Panel, then Mouse, then Device Settings until you see something like this:

screenshot of Properties for Synaptics TouchPad

Then, two things to try:

  • Untick/uncheck Enable virtual scrolling
  • Click the [+] to the left of Virtual Scrolling and change from "Scroll selected item" to "Scroll item under pointer"

If those options don't appear, can you post a screenshot of your settings? Maybe there is an option to use a different scrolling mode or to exclude certain applications.

Otherwise, there is a program called TwoFingerScroll that sounds like it might help.