NetBeans - deploying all in one jar [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Put external library to the JAR?

I have NetBeans 6.8 and I wrote one class which has two libraries (jar-files). Building it, I get a "dist" folder with my project.jar and a "lib" folder which contains the two lib jar files.

How could I get all this in one jar file? (I do not use Maven/Ant or something like this.)

Solution 1:

The basic problem is that the current version of Java does not support jars inside jars out of the box.

The recommended solution is to use the Class-Path line in the MANIFEST.MF file inside your jar to point to required libraries (relative paths are allowed) and then deploy all files together and invoking it with "java -jar your.jar"

If you really want to have a "jar-inside-jar" solution, we have used one-jar for several years, but gone away from it since our target JVM worked better with the solution described above.

I used it with the fatjar plugin in Eclipse. I do not have any experiences with building it into Netbeans, but it is simple to build into an ant script which I believe is what NEtbeans use anyway.

Solution 2:

You can create an extra build target in the build.xml file. And use zipfileset and zipgroupfileset to create one big jar e.g.

<target name="YourBigJar" depends="-post-jar">
  <jar destfile="BigJar.jar">
    <zipfileset src="dist/Project1.jar"/>
    <zipfileset src="../OtherProject/dist/project2.jar"/>
    <zipgroupfileset dir="../libs/."/>